Another highlight of the day was when tress were planted by our very own Steve and Andre who also had help from some of the many guest who participated in the South Bronx Fest. People also brought in their old electronics such as televisions, old cell phones, cameras, printers and computers to recycled.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Earth Fest in The South Bronx
Another highlight of the day was when tress were planted by our very own Steve and Andre who also had help from some of the many guest who participated in the South Bronx Fest. People also brought in their old electronics such as televisions, old cell phones, cameras, printers and computers to recycled.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Extreme Weather: So up, so down!
Superbowl Sunday kicked off the month of February with unseasonably high temperatures- in the 50s- only to be followed by chilling snowstorms and frigid weather by Wednesday. Today is Friday and the forecast is saying temperatures in the 50s for tomorrow! Are these normal changes in weather or is it possible that these extreme weather fluctuations are a result of climate change? Climate change, in this case, refers to the idea that man-made activities are contributing too much carbon dioxide and other global warming gases to the atmosphere resulting in changes to our world's climate patterns. YMPJ staff and youth attended a conference hosted by WEACT (of Harlem) entitled "Advancing Climate Justice". I got to attend discussions on food justice and "green jobs". To find out more about activities and conversations from the conference, check out their blog at